INNOVATION DEVELOPMENTS | 2021IMPETUS CONCEPTThis year, Impetus’s main goal is to demonstrate its technical and multidisciplinary capacity in the development of technical products geared towards specific sporting activities. The inspiration for 2021 has settled on tree main pillars – |

BEING RESPONSIBLESports for a planet worth living on Sports offers new ways of thinking and behaving, as well as potential techniques and solutions that can be discussed, applied and further developed across all industries. Responsible and sustainable consumption is more in demand than ever before. Being responsible offers you everything around the topic, there’s no limits. |
BEING ACTIVESports for a healthy society. Sports offers answers and solutions to major social challenges. In times of a demanding performance society and an overcrowded range of leisure activities, health problems tend to increase. Being active at ISPO Munich not only reduces sport to physical exercise, but consciously supplements it with all the associated areas of society. |
BEING CREATIVESports as a new source to tackle challenges. The creativity inherent in sport will provide great social value for all of us. In combination with technology, sports can lead to cross-industry and completely new solutions. At ISPO Munich, being creative will presente useful solutions and ideas for solving future challenges. |
A faster response in new projects developments 3D - Fashion's digital acceleration towards customization
Our Developments RESEARCH GROUPS |